Sunday, January 2, 2011

Catholic App Spotlight: Saint's Name Generator

I've been thinking for some time of having posts from time to time about great Catholic Apps for different electronic devices, such as iPhones, other smartphones and iPads.  I am a Mac girl, so know that I will probably highlighting more of those than ones available for say, the Android.  (Though I know many of Apps are available across multiple platforms).  I heavily use Apps on my iPhone and our family's iPad, and I have quite a few Catholic ones I would love to share with others.

The first Catholic App spotlight doesn't qualify as an actual App for those devices (since as far as I can see it is only available online), but it is just so cute and fun that I decided to feature it as the first App spotlight.

The Saint's Name Generator is a simple little program created by blogger Jen Fulwiler.  Fulwiler will be one of the featured speakers at the upcoming Behold Conference to be held here in the Peoria Diocese, so it's especially appropriate

This weekend, our family enjoyed generating different saints for each member of our family just for fun.  We had to laugh that my husband's saint was St. Albert the Great, patron of theologians (my husband has a doctorate in theology).

Check it out!

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